A typical street in Rome - possibly the street next to my hotel.
My local ruins - these were just down the street, and I felt fondly towards them, as if they were sort of too small to make the guidebooks, but for the neighborhood, they were a big deal. Largo Argentino.
Monument to Vittorio Emmanuel, a bit of wedding-cake pastiche from the Mussolini years.
Piazza Vittorio
Foro, the Roman Forums. Ruins dating from the first few centuries A.D. These are complicated, spectacular, intricate ruins, and my photos and (lack of) description do not do it justice. There must be a web page.
Very tall archway in Foro.
The ancient, rounded mountains of ruins, abutting up next to each other.
Church in Foro - 4th century?
Underneath the enormous arch
I quite honestly have no idea what these arched structures were part of - aqueduct? Huge palazzo? But this shot is just meant to give some idea of how huge they were, by contrasting them with the little ant-people below.
Layers of centuries - and off in the distance, my favorite little architectural doodad, the winged chariot on a roof (probably Vittorio Emmanuel.) Note that the domed church, to the right, is a good 3 or 4 stories high.
My first impression of the Colloseum. It is hard to express how overpoweringly huge this structure is. Again, note the tiny ant-people lining up at the bottom. By the way, the Colloseum and the Vatican are apparently the two "must-see" items in every guide book, since those two places are absolutely swimming in humanity, people from every spot on the globe.
The skeleton is all that remains.
A ponderous, immovable skeleton.
The guttural interior of the Colloseum.
Opera singers practicing in the open courtyard of a church. It was exceedingly hot.
Fountain in the courtyard (where the opera singers are sweating it out.) I developed this thing for Roman fountains. If I ever do a picture book of Europe, it will "Internet Points Across the Continent, and, Roman Fountains."
Breathtakingly swooningly high statue of the Virgin Mary: this is the Monument at S. Maria Maggiore, which is itself quite a large and prominent cathedral. The bird flying into the picture at this moment is known as "raw luck".
A magnificent statue of Ave Regina Pacis: I like the strong, straight-backed, firm heaven-ward salute. This is no cowering, timid, sheltered mystical lady in the background. This is a Queen.
The first of four corners at the intersection of two middling, ordinary streets. This intersection is known as Quattro Fontane. Each cornice has an amazing, intricately carved monument.
The second corner.
... the third corner ...
... and the fourth reclining hero.
View down Via B. towards Piazza del Populo - check out carved marble columns on the right.
Piazza del Populo.
Piazza del Populo.
View onto Piazza del Populo from the Cafe Canova, Fellini's hangout. Superb olives.
Right next to Roman Fountains, I have this thing for domed and/or baroque roofs, preferably set against a sea-blue sky.
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: October 20, 2003