Sierra Club hike in Presidio and S.F., May 1, 2004
Spring flowers, the dome of the Presidio and the blue bay that surrounds San Francisco.
A photo op while walking along the road from up top back down. This is taken from within the Presidio (witness the rather ramshackle and out of date military housing.)
Golden Gate Bridge from the San Francisco side, looking to the rounded hills of Marin.
"Hi Mom! I'm in San Francisco!" Audrey at the bridge.
The Golden Gate Bridge straight on - an unusual angle.
And you know what, this is not even NEAR the last shot of the bridge.
The hills seem to be tilting, but I'm pretty sure they're not. No earthquake hit.
And now, from the other side! We walked under the bridge, where some sort of construction work is going on.
Top center: Alcatraz Island. Bottom left: woman in dorky blue hat is Audrey. All over: white-sailed vehicles of pleasure and escape.
Blue cones of flowers frame the empty threat of Alcatraz. The sailboats ignore both.
This photo shows the bridge's shadow. And no, we're not done yet with the bridge.
Now this woman is taking SERIOUS pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. She looks camped for the day.
The view from another few feet down the path, back towards the Presidio.
This time you get the bridge with *people.*
Just the basics: water, rock, painted steel.
The view from the bridge, back towards downtown San Francisco.
Surf's up! Check out surfer in middle.
The same surfer manages to get his bearings and stand on the wave, again and again.
At the end of the day, Audrey relaxes her back into the Blue Orange Peel new chair that has taken up residence in my apartment. It is the chair of the century.
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: Sunday, May 2, 2003