Week Three in the Life of Lara: May 24-26, 2004

    Monday, May 24:

  1. Lara is learning to pose for the camera (which is being photographed by another camera...)

  2. Lara exercises her tonsils.

  3. Peaceful in sleep.

  4. Charlie and Charlotte, Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma: awake.

  5. And then shortly later, embarking on the Honeymoon of the 51st year of marriage.

  6. Rainer cradles Lara.

  7. Rainer demonstrates how the baby pillow can be artfully used as a bonnet, especially while munching on raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.

  8. Grandma Charlotte nestles her hand inside Lara's.

    Tuesday, May 25:

  9. Lara taking a little nap in the morning.

  10. Lara rocks back and forth and moves all around when she sleeps. She'll be rolling over soon!

  11. Grandpa Charlie rocks Lara for now.

  12. Mama Kathi is a bit in the shadows but not too much ... I like this quiet shot, anyway.

  13. Kathi peruses email while Lara catches up on her beauty sleep.

  14. A slightly better view of Lara in Grandpa Charlie's arms.

  15. Lara devotes herself to sleeping. And eating.

  16. I know, I know. You're going to say: we've already seen her sleeping. But somehow each moment it seems like a miracle.

    Wednesday, May 26, Anniversary of K&R's civil ceremony wedding in 2001:

  17. The family, the rose for Lara Rose, and four champagne bottles on the cheesecake to mark Kathi and Rainer's four years together!

  18. Lara is awake for the ebullient proceedings!

  19. This is what happens when we don't make coffee with dessert. Poor Grandpa falls asleep in front of the TV news documentary, and his glasses make a frightening descent.

  20. Lara sleeps quietly, having eaten...

Marianne Mueller
Last modified: Wednesday, May 26, 2004