Miriam's party, October 23

This party had at least five raisons d'etre: Audrey returning to the world of the regular paycheck; Marianne having ANOTHER birthday; musical gathering; pre-Halloween outfit rehearsal; Oktoberfest! We celebrated by consuming an enormous quantity of food, talking and listening to live music (or playing live music), and arguing about the politics of the day.

  1. Jorge enjoys a post-dinner nap.

  2. An impromptu trio.

  3. Michael and Audrey at the kitchen table - the hangout of the serious eaters.

  4. Ben joined us.

  5. Our hostess, Miriam.

  6. Part of the audience for the concert happening in the living room.

  7. Carlos looks at the camera as much as it looks at him.

  8. We hassle Jorge by adorning him with peacock feathers.

  9. A closeup of the feathers.

  10. Carlos tries his hand.

  11. The oboe soloist, Audrey.

Marianne Mueller
Last modified: October 24, 2004