Saturday, July 9: Mom's Birthday
Grapes for breakfast
A grass skirt bikini over the sleepsuit!
Unpacking the lego blocks
The pointer
The scholar in the buff
We sing "Happy Birthday" to Mom as the candles on the cake burn
Mom cuts the cake (she did make a wish and she blew out
all the candles at once.)
The bell ringer
"Is there a question?"
The troll in the garden
The outhouse, now as a center of folksy charm
The forest primeval - this time with the flash
- and this time with no flash.
An old, old, dead tree, now covered with lichen
Dad put up a swing for Lara
The context - tomato plants and blackberry bushes
More tomato plants!
The magic talking bus
Papa and Lara dance to "Anton, Anton!"
Before dinner, Kathi brings Lara down to the lake.
Lara didn't want to eat corn-on-the-cob, and
she didn't want to eat kernels of corn cut off from the cob, but she definitely
wanted to chomp down on a (shall we say) previously eaten cob of corn.
The day is ending, time for a bath
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: July 9, 2005