An arbitrary collection of your humble photographer and editor's favorite pictures.
Even this limited collection is arguably too large! The danger of digital cameras.
Friday, September 9: Concert in the Square
A little boy bears the drum.
The Schnapps Ladies visit our table.
The image of contemplation.
Saturday, September 10: Luft-Ballon und Salzburg!
Balloons over the cemetary in Kirchberg.
The dome of the Dom.
Sunday, September 11: Erntedankfest (Harvest Festival), Stiegl Keller and Kurt
A mother and her two children in trachten.
After mass, we repaired to the nearby Stiegl Keller, along with hundreds of people in trachten. We were literally the only people not in folk wear (apart from the waiters). I caught two woman in the Dirndl Standoff, 2005.
The man in the table next to us (he's standing here) graciously bought us a round of schnapps.
The Gothic.
A Baroque bell tower.
What are they listening to? Mom, Dad and Kurt in a museum with a show documenting the American occupation in Salzburg, 1945-1955.
Later near our hotel - I expressed a deep-seated desire for Salzburger Nockerl. We ventured across the street. We waited and waited and waited and it eventually appeared in all its glorious puffiness. We all split it.
Monday, September 12: Salzburg, Klangpunkte, Brauestuebl
Lotte und Charlie in the sun, enjoying a late morning cafe at Cafe Tomaselli.
This is
my favorite Klangpunkt: #35, "Floeten-Kroeten" (Flute Players), by
Prof. Mag. art. Lotte Ranft. There are 56 Klangpunkte sprinkled around
Salzburg, mostly in the old town. Klangpunkt could be translated 'Point of
Sound'. They look like plastic nose cones from spaceships, and stand about five
feet high. They generally have something inside, and generally make noise in
one way or another, although it can be hard to figure out how to make the
thing speak.
Note that in this case, the art
surrounds the Klangpunkt, rather than being encased. I really have no
idea how to translate Kroeten (help, you German speakers!) The
mysterious Google translation of what the web site has to say:
Flute toads troeten the most beautiful of the whole one in full
shortness. Play the play of the play play. Trompet Tune of Henry
Purcell. Aluminum sculpture ca.2,5 meter highly, spaceseizing flat
plastics over aluminum curl dome.
I know people will be chafing at my reproducing the machine-translations from Google,
but I find "Play the play of the play play" somewhat poetic.
There's also a lot to be said for the e e cummings-like "spaceseizing flat plastics
over aluminum curl dome".
At the Brauestuebl! (Linda and Gary, eat your heart out.) Mali, Gerhard, Helga, Dieter.
The gang's all here! New innovation: we're in a large no-smoking hall.
Tuesday, September 13: Theresia Foidl's funeral in Aurach
A beautiful farmhouse in Aurach. This is the Hellerwirt, a gasthaus and a farm.
A tableful of cousins.
After the funeral service for Theresia Foidl, everyone was invited to dinner in a
gasthaus. At our table,
from left to right: Karin (daughter of Kathi, who
is the sister of the farmer Sepp Foidl where Nani lived); Nicolai, the
son of Michael Foidl (son of Sepp Foidl); Kathi Hiebl; Kathi's husband
Hans Hiebal; Andreas, Karin's husband.
Cousin Maria Moidl comes over to say hello to Charlie and Charlotte.
Wednesday, September 14: Luft-Ballon and another funeral
Mom checks up on the news, on the sunny warm porch of the Pfarrhof.
After the funeral for Hans Ober-Mueller, the cemetary fills up with the many mourners. But this picture shows only a small part of the crowd.
The Luft-Ballon (hot air balloons) are too many to count! They keep creeping over the horizon.
A rainbow over the village.
Mali collects raspberries for us.
Thursday, September 15: Gaisberg Hike and Luft-Ballon
Dad and I
hiked partway up the Gaisberg just so I could get this scenic shot.
No, really, it was just so I could break in my new summer hiking
boots. JK JK JK. It was a beautiful day for a walk.
Extremely cute and oddly immaculate goats.
Sunday, September 25
Gerhard giving a sermon.
A musician concentrates.
Kurt, Verena, Mom, Dad after mass.
Brot und Verena.
They are either the Blues Brothers, or some sort of mafia. Given Kurt's jazz predilections, I vote for Blues Brothers.