A Lunch and a Birthday Party
A Lunch and a Birthday Partyw
The Red Hat Society has been doin' it for years: Charlotte (not shown, she's
photographer!), Jean, Jean's neighbor, Jean's sister-in-law Juanita
and their friend Phyllis Curl all meet for lunch. March 14.
Patrick's birthday is celebrated with a cake shared by The Adventsingen crew: Bill, Karyn & Patrick and their little girl, Alaya. March 18 (Patrick's birthday was March 17).
The Red Hat Society meets for lunch.
Jean smiles for the camera.
Deep in conversation.
Another lunch - "baby Jesus" is growing up! (Patrick and Karyn's
little girl, Alaya, used to play the part of baby Jesus in the annual
Adventsingen in Ormond Beach.)
Happy family
Looks like Bill is enjoying the strawberry cake!
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: March 31, 2006