Walking from Stinson Beach to Muir Woods and Back
Monday, May 29, 2006
Miriam had the idea to hike Stinson Beach to Muir Woods - a great idea.
The hair is looking a bit random.
Entering the forest.
The steps climb Cardiac Hill forever, or, about an hour.
Tunnel of trees
Covered in moss
Only a short way, we looked back, and already had a great view of the bay at Stinson Beach. Beyond that lick of land is the Pacific Ocean.
A tangle of smaller trees bend towards the sun
We conquered Cardiac Hill and were rewarded with the view east and south
I believe the peak in the distance - slightly to the left - is Mt. Diablo in the east bay
Our path winds along the brown hills but is cooled by the blue bay
Looking at the person taking the picture ...
... and this time looking into the camera
At the entrance to Muir Woods, about 5 miles from where we started
A very tall very green very shrubbery tree
The green
The dappled light
The picture without flash
Mom and baby
Another family
Forget me not
The corny sun going down in trees on the long way back
Now the views are from the other direction. Namely, almost identical as on the way over!
Brown hills of late May
The triumphant duo, as captured by young couple who wanted us to take their picture, and then we asked them to take our picture.
Over there is San Francisco.
Over here are green and brown meadow
Tres beautiful, gray green pale yellow
Sometimes trees get tired
It was nearing 8 p.m. when we got in sight of the beach and the ocean. Or maybe it was 7:30.
The Sand
Dollar Restaurant closed early and wouldn't seat us because they just
discovered a problem with the plumbing system, it wouldn't flush, and
Health Department regulations indicate they need to shut down. We
went across the street.
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: June 5, 2006