Mardi Gras 2007

About twenty people dropped by at various times. Jambalaya and red beans and rice were popular; I could have made twice as much! (Note to self for next year.) Lee brought by two types of corn bread, which was a last-minute inspired seredipitous and very welcome and tasty addition. Sharon brought by lovely fresh veggies to counter all the sausages we were consuming (in the form of jambalaya and red beans and rice). The Feders brought delicious cakes to augment the official King Cake I ordered from, a New Orleans bakery. I think that sums up most of the food ... you can see where my focus is ...

Geetha took all the following pictures; you can detect her careful framing and composition. These are just a selection - I deleted the ones in which I look particularly fat. The pictures have renewed my passionate desire to lose twenty pounds!

  1. Lee reclines in the blue orange peel chair

  2. Party in motion

  3. Nika with spinning-wand-thing, and me chowing down

  4. Susan may not forgive me for putting this one on the web. Huajeong is Miriam's current housemate; unfortunately she is going back to her professorial post in Korea at the end of February.

  5. Art and Sharon, two nearby neighbors

  6. Peach branches put into service as Mardi Gras decoration. The peach buds are getting fuzzy, and I have hope they will bud out. I brought home the peach branches from the Master Gardener training class, where we pruned fruit trees down at the Emma Prusch Farm & Orchard's high density orchard. Ask me about fruit trees if you want to hear more than you bargained on! I am very enthusiastic about fruit trees.

  7. Contemplative Nika

  8. Eleonora, visiting professor at Stanford who hails from Bologna, Italy

  9. Noch ein mal

  10. No idea who we're peering up at ...

  11. King Cake lathered in purple, gold and green icing (these are tradional, mandated colors, which represent variously power and luck and so on)

  12. Jorge mysteriously sports large (Asian? Cuban?) straw hat, and a gargantuan peace sign as a necklace - quite appropriate in these days of Troop Surge in Iraq

  13. Carlos and Jacqui - Carlos is wearing Art's wig, thereby multiplying the hair on his head by several orders of magnitude! I say this only since he himself laughingly pointed it out!

  14. Carlos liked the spinning-wand-thing that Lee brought over to use as the scepter for the Mardi Gras Queen

  15. If this wig is suited better to anyone than Geetha, I would be amazed!

  16. This time with the flash

  17. Susan, Miriam and moi laughing about something in the hallway

  18. Newlyweds Bill and Sharon!

  19. Jorge steadfastly wore his peace sign throughout

Marianne Mueller,
Last modified: Fri Feb 23 07:24:15 PST 2007