At home: July 30, 2008
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- Impatiens 'Congo'
- Evening Primose (a day past its peak beauty alas)
- Red currant berries at top - yellow and green Abutilon - Vietnamese basil in front left - tall leek greens in back of heirloom red and gold marigold - pink fuchsia under short
sunflower on the top right. This is supposed to be a picture of the marigold.
- fuchsia, marigold, leek greens
- add in Vietnamese basil
- marigold and leek greens
- little gnome guy among bronze fennel and burnet salad
- Can you see the spider in the middle?
- The orange blooms are a volunteer scarlet runner bean, must have seeded itself last su
- There she is
- Nasturtium leaves
- The best-loved weeds; pink flowers, very feathery and light. The image is blurred as the flowers are moving in the wind.
- And they adorn the compost bin after all
Marianne Mueller,
Last modified: Thu Jul 31 12:48:06 PDT 2008