Community Garden Plot - Spring 2008
I call the community garden plot "f53" as that's its appelation on
the map. This shows the state of it (quite charming really) when
I adopted it, up to June 7. It's hard to take pictures of it and
I think it's nicer in person but this gives you an idea.
Click on any photo to see a larger version.
February 3, 2008
- A gazebo/tool chest along the fenceline which has a climbing rose to the left, and California grapes along top and along the fence as well. I have 5 large beds (10'x5') and one smaller bed (5'x4'). You can count them off from the bottom of the frame: 1, 2, 3 and then the 4th along the fence - then the small one is on the right.
- Weed city. The pathways between beds are quite narrow. The rose bush is vigorous but in need of drastic pruning.
- The small bed had some ancient sage (?) growing in the corner. Some pruning in order ...
- Yeah! Tool chest!
- Weeding has occured. It was easy to pull everything up EXCEPT the crabgrass, which will be the bane of my existence for all time, I think. I carefully did not pull up: poppies and nasturtium and one lone fava.
- But the weeding isn't over yet. I only did 3 of the large beds, and the small bed. Two large beds to go.
Now it's March 13 ...
- the first little bed is planted with cool season crops: lettuc, bok choy, red cabbage, chard, kale, radish (seeded) and edible crysanthemum in the corner. The sage in the corner is perking up.
March 23
- The second bed is planted with cool season vegetables: about 40 lettuces of 4 different varieties; spinach; and then from seed, peas; carrot; beets; onions; some flowering vines that never made it.
- Starting to look plausibly like a garden (under construction, anyway)
- I put in drip irrigation! Yeah! Here you can see the pathetic looking little lettucs (I bought starts from Cole Canyon at the Farmer's Market)
- The climbing rose along the fence
March 26
- The Pilgrim I inherited
March 31
- I finally weeded and mulched with the wood chips the common area. I liked the meadow look but that crabgrass has to be fought fiercely.
- Another view of the second cool season crop. At least stage you really need to keep the faith. and the little lettuces basically didn't move for a month, and then they took off.
- We have germination in the two beds seeded with wildflowers.
April 13
- Small bed
has a cool season crop (red babbage, kale, chard, bok choy that
bolted, radish from seed, a few lettuce) and the one big bed has more
cool season vegetables: peas by the trellis, onion, beets, carrots,
many lettuce (4 varieties) and many spinach.
- Rose looking better. There was an old metal tag on it, at the base! It's a Pilgrim Rose, and old English rose; double, yellow in center fading to white on exterior; fragrant; blooms all summer.
- The two middle beds are covered in little wildflowers. I seeded exuberantly in March, thinking they'd be over by June, and then I could plant warm season vegetables. HO HO HO. By early June they were just coming into their own - all the different bloomes - and, well ... you'll see ...
- Table and chair from home; red wheelbarrow I bought at OSH and brought here by bungie-cording it inside my trunk. Not recommended.
April 23
- Rose bush
and wildflowers (two beds).
- First bed is getting there. I eventually ate lots of: radish, chard, kale, lettuce. The red cabbage was not only tortured by being left in its six-pack for about 6 weeks, but I planted it way too late, and in June finally just pulled up the gloriously beautiful bunches of leaves to make way for summer vegetables. Here it's about half as thick as it got, eventually.
- Gestalt. You can see I'm right on the "country" road that goes around the community garden; very handy for carrying stuff from the car!
April 24
- The second bed I planted - the peas are a'comin' up. I also planted some trailing flower vines but they never stood a chance with the peas there. Oh well. Dense over-planting is my middle name.
April 30
- Red climbing rose, fenceline
- Wildflowers in bed 3
- Beds 1, 2 and 3
May 11
- Bed 1 gettin' goin' and rose (in back) in bloom
- Tomatoes nestled among wildflowers ... the wildflowers have gotten taller and I think do shade the tomatoes a bit in the late afternoon but oh well.
- A bushy bed 1
- Rose in bloom
June 7
- Tomato and nasturtium
- Wildflowers in the rose bed
- Potatoes (also cucumber and eggplant and sunflower but those are probably discernible only to me)
June 8
- Fenceline rose
- Peas in bed 2
- Tomatoes encircled by wildness as well as a stolid cage
- Lots of peas to harvest right now
- Feathery lime-green carrot tops in front of peas
- Wildflowers in bed 3
- Wildflowers in bed 4
- I planted a line of Jerusalem Artichoke (sort of like sunflower, but perennial and invasive) along the fence. Now 3'; supposed to get up to 9'.
Marianne Mueller,
Last modified: Sun Jun 8 13:30:19 PDT 2008