Echo Lake Favorites from June 2011
Girls seriously outnumber the boys. Rainer and Liam, 2. Three sisters, their mother, two daughters of one of the sisters, a friend of another sister's and HER daughter: 8 distaff.
Photographers presented in order of age.
Click on any photo to see the larger version.
Ella the Photographer:
Friendly Allie the Alligator hanging out on the paddleboat
Ella learns the action shot
and the cameo
this series really surprised me when I saw it - I really like it
Lara the Photographer:
laboring mightily
peace sign, the self portrait
and from Marianne:
The lamp post was working in early June. By late June, not. We need to jiggle some part of the electronics, the light bulb wasn't burned out. Anyway it was beautiful while we had it.
I like turning on the porch lights at night
revealed. Mom and I deloused one piece of furniture since the place we
bought it was a rat's nest of a house of two rather grimy looking
farmers out in the back country. We dusted for bed bugs and did
overall fumigation to boot, then let it sit amid chemicals overnight
under a tarp. I then washed it but good and let it air out for a week
before taking it down to the basement. Now you know. The secret is
out. But I assure you, there will be no bed bugs.
Ella has arrived!
Lara has arrived!
Linda has arrived! Gets to work cleaning the bathroom furniture!
I can't decide which picture of Linda and the girls in the rowboat I like better so I am going to waste bandwidth and put both of them up.
peace man
monkey do
little princess
little angel
With gloves, Cinderlara hauls wood to the cottage.
Peace is popular. It must be some new kid's thing or maybe they do it on Glee or maybe it's a German thing.
Buttermilk Falls
taking a break on the somewhat steep trail up the falls
Kathi is pretending she can't hear Ella demanding to be carried
wading in the water
I took about a thousand pictures of the falls but I'll spare you
ferns grow everywhere
Mood Shot(tm)
We all wore pink so that in case anyone got lost in the woods it would be easy to find him or her. Or just to look charming.
Slim Jim's are as popular as peace
Art Shot(tm)
We made it! Now we cross the bridge and go down the other side of the falls.
This is pretty much what it looked like most of the time, going down.
Or this.
I admit I asked her to pose but she was already reclining in the leaves and moss.
little ella in the woods
In flight
Liam is enraptured
sometimes you get lucky. Damn fine shot if I do say so myself.
Taughannock Falls near Ithaca
Lara being asked to join the group shot
the pixie has other plans
rock climbing
protests in vain. I should really not take her picture when she says no.
Well at least someone remembered to put up a peace sign
The Great Garage Extravaganza
and relocating
Ella helps Marianne spray paint the table. We scraped it first.
Liam with red table
cowgirl fisherman
Many a tiny fish were caught with these there nets
it is very difficult to get a shot of Liam that does not come out blurred - somehow he is always moving
Fishing at night with Rachel, Sue's daughter
Linda, Rachel and Sue
Mom, Linda and I went for a walk
Liam would stare and point at the fish for hours, left to his own devices
three grinning fishermen and their catch
Kathi, Rainer and Liam in the paddleboat
getting ready to test the waters
Ella is still getting the hang of it. After a couple days she was swinging merrily away (but still demanding to be pushed).
boy with begonia
elegant surfer
Liam on his own
"well you could quit taking pictures and come give me a hand"
Statue of the Lady of the Lake
serious water gun action
Liam gets in the action
Mom in lake
Pouring water into lake (from bucket, watering can, large plastic cup ...) was very popular
Cinderlara on her own started scraping the monkey swing so we could paint it
Lara soon figured out it was easier to scrape the monkey swing while sitting in a chair. Smart cookie.
frog eggs
everyone groaned when I got out the camera.
New outfit from Grandma - they went shopping and the girls picked out the clothes. Fabulous posture here.
Ella's new outfit. The green vase of yellow lily pad flowers represents about half of what we picked when out in the paddleboat.
boy being adorable eating melon
onopoly as Ella calls her favorite game
some early morning
picture of pink truck is for ella
last minute painting
Next time we'll wear long-sleeved "paint tshirts" and gloves
Funny Tree
Counting me, 5 photographers of 3 kids on tree
finally someone remembers to make the peace sign
this time with the aunts
Laura and I go for a walk just before they leave
I had Lara pose in various "nature" shots ... very silly of me
Lara with lichen
another lichen tree
Lara and I didn't want to say good by
Marcia, Fred and Diane come over for quiche
another early morning
Mom going through photo albums
we had some good sailing weather once in a while
Lady Liberty sets off
Luminaria set out the evening after the boat parade in memory of people not with us this year
Marianne Mueller
Last modified: July 8, 2011