Thanksgiving 2000, Panama City, Florida (roll 1)
But first, some scenic shots of downtown Salinas, California, home of John Steinbeck and the National Steinbeck Center (shown here in full glory)
The pastel dream of California gingerbread Victorians
The National Steinbeck Center up close, with me squinting into the sun (mrm)
Me (mrm) relaxing on my sister's couch in Florida. Who are the LOSERS? The American electorate ...
Ozzie, the mysterious and tiny and silent and invisible cat, eats dinner after all.
Mom busily writes email to Mali in Austria
Dad and Linda confer on doubtless another shopping expedition to Home Depot
Dinner at Andy and Kelly's: Mom, Dad, Gary, Linda, Andy, Kelly
And one more again
Dad keeps track of the election news -- this is the tense period after the election and before the Supreme Court ruled that W. is to be our King
Dad displays a remarkable lack of respect to the Talking Head on CNN
Mom concurs.
But life goes on, and Linda chops, and Mom offers advice
We gave Linda a hard time for not composting her vegetable scraps. We shamed her into it -- here she is, composting away.
Linda got carried away. Not only did she dump the scraps into the pile, she got out the shovel and had at it.
Gary puts together a joiner for his woodworking shop.
Dad in Gary's amazing woodworking shop/outbuilding.
Linda sets the table for Thanksgiving dinner.
Dad, Gary and Linda get ready to carve the turkey.
Mom and Dad pose on Thanksgiving Day in Linda and Gary's dining room.
Dad starts to carve the deep-fried turkey, with advice from Linda
Dad carries on with the task of turkey carving
Mom and Dad demonstrate how to heap dinner on a Thanksgiving plate
Dad and Gary fall asleep after Thanksgiving dinner
And Linda, bless her heart, cleans up after all of us
Last updated 26 December 2000 by Marianne Mueller